Visual Artist , Calligrapher
Abdelmalik Nounouhi

Journey &
Letters. . .
Born in 1971 in the highlands of the Moroccan Rif, in Beni Saîd (Nador), where he grews up until his late
teens. Abd elMalik Nounouhi arrived in Paris, France, in 1990 to study mathematics at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, but changed his path to devote himself entirely to the art of calligraphy shortly after finishing his studies.
As passionate as he was about mathematics, it was almost impossible for him not to be attracted
to the art of calligraphy based on the respect of certain rules of harmony, logic and balance.
He always believed that the composition of calligraphy was closely related to mathematical
reasoning and geometrical rules. Therefore, moving from mathematical symbols to an artistic interpretation of Arabic letters was a logical progression.
As a self-taught artist, his creative engagement with Arabic calligraphy and words is deeply rooted in the desire to manipulate letters and words, lines and shapes, space and colors, depth and perspective.
Whether in ink or paint, through mixed media or installation, he dedicated his work to both the conceptual and graphic qualities of letters, words and texts.
« On the canvas, I rely totally on the visual poetry of the letters. By orchestrating them in paint, I
just try to create a space in which they appear, they exist by themselves and give life to the canvas.
Thus creating a modern abstract language of signs: 'Al Horoufia': (letterism) or Calligraffiti. It
doesn't matter what you call it, the main thing is that it gives birth to an « Artistic Language". »,
Abd elMalik explains.
« In my native Morocco, I grew up speaking, listening, seeing and writing in Arabic. Looking back, I
realised that calligraphic imagery was everywhere I looked: in books, on screens, in architecture, on shop fronts and even in mathematical formulae. Everything was letters, symbols and scripts. Now that I have been living in France for more than 30 years, where the eye is overwhelmed by images and paintings, I try to establish a bridge between these two cultures through my approach to Arabic calligraphy. »
The artworks of Abd elMalik Nounouhi are a dialogue between the letter in its cultural and
linguistic identity and the visual and universal language it can generate as a painting. A canvas in
which it is not necessary to read Arabic to understand the message, to hear the voice of the letters,
to see their choreography. The letter communicates with the viewer through its form and colour,
through its energy and arrangement, through the space in which it moves constantly looking for
balance and harmonious visions.
« In my paintings, the viewer can visually read what he or she wants to spell out of my message, in
this space that is the canvas, my Arabic letters sail freely without being limited to their sole
linguistic function. They are not simply elements forming words, but they take over the field of the canvas and become totally "signifiers", so developing a kind of Visual poetry. »
Since 2000, Nounouhi exhibits his Artworks in various galleries throughout France and the world.
He divides his time between his personal research in calligraphy and multiple events around the
artistic practice of Arabic letters in collaboration with various French art and culture centers.
He also participates in various festivals of Arabic calligraphy and contemporary art such as the Dubaï Calligraphy Biennale, The Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial (UAE), the International Festival of Arabic Calligraphy in Algiers (Algeria) or the 'Dwaya Art Exhibition' in Tripoli (Libya).

Selected Group Exhibitions
Dubai Calligraphy Biennale 2023, (Dubai, UAE)
Kalimat Art Corp. Gallery, 2023, (Dubai, UAE)
Dwaya Art Exhibition, 2022, (Tripoli, Libya)
Sharjah Biennial for the art of Arabic Calligraphy, 2022, 2016, 2012, 2010 (Sharjah - UAE)
Festival International de la calligraphie Arabe, Musée Nationale de l'Enluminure, de la Miniature et de la Calligraphie 2010 & 2009 (Alger, Algérie)
UNESCO : 'Journée Mondiale du Livre', 2014 (Paris, France)
Festival du Touquet, Artistes de Demain, 2010, (Touquet-Paris-Plage , France)
"Carnet-Livres", 2009, Halle Saint-Pierre, (Paris, France)
« Printemps de la Poésie», « Lire en Fête », 2008 (Paris, France)
« Festival Maghreb des Livres », 2003 & 2004 (Vallauris, France)
« Café littéraire » Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA), 2001 (Paris, France)
Théâtre Toursky, 2001, (Marseille, France)
Selected Personal Exhibitions
« Cheminement...(s) » :
Scriptorial d'Avranches , Musée des Manuscrit du mont Saint Michel (Avranches, France)
« Tolérance en Itinérance » :
les centres culturels de la Ville d'Avranches, (Avranches, France)
« Tolérance en Couleurs» :
Forum International des Peuples Autochtones Unis. (Pau, France)
Biennale de la poésie, (Viry-Chatillon, France)
Mairie de Villetaneuse, (Villetaneuse, France)
Atrium (Chaville, France)
Centre Culturel HENRY MILLER (Clichy-La-Garenne, France)
« Rétrospective : Du regard à la trace » :
Bibliothèque Municipale (Vanves, France)
«La trace » : Musée du Château(Dourdan, France)
« La constance dans le changement » : Cité de la Musique (Marseille, France)
« Ombres en Lumière » : Maison pour tous des AMONTS (Les Ulis, France)
« Citadelle rouge » : "Baz'art Café" (Paris, France)
« Lettres d'horizon » : Galerie Espace Ailleurs (Clichy- la-Garenne, France)
« Patience et souffle des mots » : Galerie l’Image (Marseille, France)
« Regarder les écritures parler » : Espace Art Com EDITIONS" (Paris, France)

& Itineraries

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