
Acrylic & Canvas

'Echo & Resonance'


The "Echo & Resonance" series focuses on the essence of Arabic letters in their geometric and visual aspects. Each abstract work in this collection represents a combination of meticulously traced Arabic letters that flow harmoniously with one another, highlighting the interconnectedness of language and its resonances. Through meticulous placement and intricate detail, each canvas attempts to create a visual representation of the echoes and resonances that exist within a canvas. As in a symphony of shapes and patterns, the harmonious balance and captivating rhythm created by the elegant curvature of the letters can be seen in each calligraphy.

A Visual Sonata.

Artwork of Arabic Calligraphy By Abdelmalik Nounouhi
Artwork of Arabic Calligraphy By Abdelmalik Nounouhi



The 'Elevation' series was designed especially for my participation in the Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial ( United Arab Emirates).

It was then enriched by other works for my participation in the "Dwaya Art Exhibition" festival in Tripoli, Libya.

Gallery Artworks Arabic Calligraphy by Abdelmalik Nounouhi
Gallery Artworks Arabic Calligraphy by Abdelmalik Nounouhi


arabic calligraphy nounouhi abdelmalik illuminations
arabic calligraphy nounouhi abdelmalik illuminations
Abdelmalik Nounouhi arabic calligraphy Pearl Colors
Abdelmalik Nounouhi arabic calligraphy Pearl Colors



Amethyst, Fragrance & Quintessence

Tajaliatt' : from Illuminations to Manifestations

Searching for the pearl.

Bewitching beauty with mysterious sparkles. The quintessence of a journey. Amethyst of the absolute. A wave of deep colors, combining serenity and spirituality. Soothing, contemplative sensations. Inner exploration. Hidden treasures. A rare fragrance that leaves an indelible mark.

From illumination to dazzlement.

Slowing down time, rising above words and being only Letters. An introspective quest, a reflection from within outside time.


You have to transcend the text when the words are silent. You have to silence your voice when silences are heard.

The pilgrimage to Mecca, also known as the Hajj, is a sacred journey for Muslims all over the world. It is one of the five pillars of Islam, a moment of profound contemplation.

One of the most important practices during the Hajj is the Tawaf, which consists of making seven rounds around the Kaaba.

The 'Tawaf' series consists of four canvases. Each painting depicts the beauty and power of Arabic letters in their circular movement around the Kaaba. The composition illustrates this moment of intense illumination and spiritual connection. The vibrant colors and delicate lines of the letters create a profound link between an artistic dimension and spiritual devotion.

arabic calligraphy nounouhi abdelmalik tawaf series
arabic calligraphy nounouhi abdelmalik tawaf series
Tawaf Al Horrouf


Other Calligraphic Traces
letters & colors
titre lettres et couleurs Huruffiatt
titre lettres et couleurs Huruffiatt